




You Chosen Computer Chosen



Play your move


“Rock paper scissors” is a simple and interesting game. Many of us used to play it in a school to resolve disputes or just to spend some time.

What are the rules?

There can be 3 to 5 rounds. The game ends when somebody gets 3 wins. If you want to play again, just click “Play again” button after a game is finished.

Interesting facts about RPS game:

  1. Did you know that this game first appeared in China in the 17th century? Yes, it was not invented in Europe or America but in Asia. Europe started to play this game only in 19th century.
  2. Statistics say that people usually choose Scissors in the first round and Rock in the second.
  3. There is a robot developed in Japan which wins with 100% chance. It analyzes movement of your hand muscles to predict what choice you’ll show.

Good Advice:

If you want to win, you need to be a good psychologist to predict the next choice of your opponent. There are many strategies and different people have different patterns of behavior.

But if you follow this advice you will win in most cases. If your last choice was...

... Rock, then choose Scissors in the next round

... Scissors, then choose Paper in the next round

... Paper, then choose Rock in the next round

It will work only with not experienced players. The strategy is based on experiments of Zhejiang University.

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